Are your downspouts constantly getting clogged with leaves and flowers / Do you have neighbors that have cut down all the tree in the front yard, including the city owned ones in the parking strip, just because he hates paying some handyman to clean his teflon gutters every month it seems in fall and winter ? This is nonsense !! Let us just decide that even screened and teflon coated rain gutters and downspouts DO NOT WORK,,,AND LET US JUST DO AWAY WITH DOWNSPOUTS !! Try disconnecting the downspout and see how little clogging of the gutters you get,,,There are so many traditional yet nonfunctional and even planned obsolescent fixtures in modern houses that need to be re-examined, like tubs with built-in plungers or stopper devices, that are constantly getting clogged with hair !! What a nuisance,,,just get a clean pipe exit...and use a rubber stopper.