Monday, November 06, 2017

In Burlingame, CA., the Main Problem with MEASURE "i" is,,, there are no potholes on Bgame city streets, maybe on El Camino Real, but that is Not the City's $ duty. So "I" should Fail, right?

What does Burlingame need?
More parking GARAGES! I want One on the 100 block of Park on that existing parking lot! And Broadway Avenue desperately needs one! Maybe one on E. side of Caltrain station, by tennis courts?

Is your Burlingame TAP WATER cloudy? Do you not understand the annual scientific report, that  is no longer mailed yearly?  The Mayor won't  talk in English about the tap water quality; Now That is SCARY! we  need cleaner safer tap water in Burlingame! I don't  see much "burling ", but I do see lots of sold-out rude arrogant politicians that for Decades have laughed at "gaming " us Voters; This must stop.
Every candidate should sign a legally binding Pledge of loyalty to the city, if not vote for Superman and Wonder Woman.

Broadway  Avenue SIDEWALK WIDENING,  like B. Avenue!

Reasonable RENT CONTROL.

Safer CROSSWALKS with center yellow flashing lights! Or at least those center signs like by the library,  for troubled crosswalks like those on Bayswater.

Electric CALTRAIN better cleaner mass transit service!
Smoother ride,  longer trains,  more Express trains,,,

Kick some lazy County/State crats to get them to repave and signal-time El Camino Real, and add new sidewalks too!

How about a Mayor and City Council that is For Burlingame First,  and Realty Biz interests Second!?

The League of Women Voters didn't give us a fresh recent "candidate's night" video to TV or laptop watch this Nov. election,,, unlike last election.

So without a "pothole" in sight,  it is A-ok to vote down silly Measure "i".