Saturday, November 19, 2016

President Trump, We little people who can't even buy a Mayor desperately need your help and Federal protection.

It am constantly being fleeced by my millionaire Iranian-immigrant boss who stole over $10,000 a year from my pay, for 5 years in sf. The federal judge downplayed the class action lawsuit and forced a settlement of only $2000 per employee! "Eight major evidentiary violations of labor law" the court papers said. And that common greed-disease that makes it OK to put a 90 year old woman on the curb for no reason. No shame; So many lying cheating greedy selfish amoral bastards around.

My landlord outside sf has tripled my rent for a 1 bedroom apartment from $700 to $2100 in 5 years without any major repair or improvement, like the over 50 year old gas stove with unreadable knob. Rumor is these "property rights" vs "socialists" rental building owners  will continue evicting 80 and 90 year widowed old women without cause or warning. Maybe $4000/mo. for an ancient ,not updated apartment? That is $48k a year, in rent. No equity.
Renters must have fair rights and the popular use of rent control in sf.

We are gouged in buying medicine that ObamaCare did not go far enough.

My $25,000 life savings in a bank only got 54 cents interest last year.

Safe Money Report says there is a Disastrous Debt Crisis coming in 2017.

Yet Apple is allowed to hide billions in profits overseas.

The DEPT of Education is failing our public schools. Every year is worse.
And the Defense Dept and never-ending wars in the hostile volatile Middle East are costing US way too much, money we need to spend on infrastructure here.

Please think of us beleaguered workers, barely hanging on who have had the industry cut full benefits in the last 10 years. We little people, not the rich and their paid politicians, desperately need your help. That is what your election victory was about!!