Monday, August 07, 2017

August 2017: Do NOT use Visa!

COSTCO chose them, after expensive American Express' good service,  even tho I warned Costco about Visa!

1st, if you Ever have to cancel a lost Visa card,  be Sure to get the agents Name and I.D.#!
Because when you get home and get the bill to the still open Visa account!,  Visa may have played a common trick on you with, "That is not our employee or id #,so your account was never closed. "  A Visa mgr says Visa pulls this trick all the time on its customers.
Visa hires a USA nighttime Subcontractor in the past to answer such calls after normal biz hours; So just remind Visa of that, and tell your bank about more attempted Fraud. That should take care of that. AX would Never pull that stunt!

2nd experience , after the Costco-AX to Costco-Visa switch,  I used my Costco card alot, because I could trust AX and mostly Costco; Food is returnable then "not",then "is".  So I was humming along getting lots done at work and at home,  and I get this email, from Visa Fraud Protection,  "We just refused your last purchase an hour ago,  because it looks like fraud. "
Not even asking me first!?
What is the Merchant going to think of me!?

I called Visa immediately.
"Welcome to Visa Fraud Protection. No,  we did not call or text you first.  This is how we run Visa Fraud Protection.  If you don't like it,  quit Visa. "
So I cut way back on using Costco-Visa, just Costco gas and store entrance only. Use MC and AX.

3rd experience , I had a Samsung3 which was OK but no LTE,  so after being nagged for months by T-Mobile, which is so much better than Sprint and AT&T, with fast polite native techies, I bought a almost $800 Samsung7 with LTE.
It took all day to Reload!!
After 3wks I told T-Mobile it was Overheating and I often could not hold it.
"Sorry,  only 2wks to return for full refund. " Store mgr forgot to tell me that.
So I called Visa,  because I forgot to use my new MC.

"A clearly Defective Expensive over $700 smartphone? No worries.  We will get you a full refund and quick. "   Wow.
Then a week later I got a short letter basically saying, "You bought it so You are stuck with it. "  Yeah,  that's Visa. AX or Hawaiian Airlines MC would never do that. Never. Hawaiians are a very honorable people.

So I went to Best Buy and bought the "Phone of the Year" ,the ZTE AXON7 for only $340. And so much better than either Samsung! Lousy customer service,ZTE, but great smartphone.

YOU have been warned about,,, Visa!