Mrs. Clinton has a troubled past history of ethical/character dilemmas, and we Democrats and Americans and Independents better start talking about her weaknesses right now, unless this is all a pony show and we are preparing to roll over and lose again. Whitewater, and your husband , the Governor/President and all his illicit and overt affairs/adulteries. Doesn't that raise questions about how strong an ethical and honest leader Mrs. Hillary Clinton might be as President of the United States of America ?
And Mr. Obama is by all reports said to be an upstanding and outstanding black man and elected representative. That is great, but don't we want to hear more about what makes his possible Presidency different from the rest of the Democrats. Not that any Democrat might be more honest and more interested in balancing the federal budget than any Republican we have seen or heard too much of in years.
On the one hand we have someone who has lived through hell in the muck and mire of American national politics , and may have made too many compromises to be considered of high enough character to be qualified--not that the current p.o.t.u.s. is honorable enough to fully reveal his chicken hawk military record--to be our national leader in these most difficult times. And on the other hand we have a man of outstanding character, who is selling himself as the Black candidate, the exceptional outstanding Black candidate, but forgive me if i do not know of his great plans that are so much better than the rest that he , as fine a gentleman as he may be, should lead all of these selfish divisive racist and disinterested United States when we face the greatest threats in our history from worldwide terrorism,,, a loss of national rule of law to Nafta,Gatt, Wto trade treaties and disloyal multinational corporations that are currently plotting with the World Bank to privitize all the fresh water in the world ,,,so you can die of thirst or pay through the nose for what should be basic civil right to clean drinking water,,,and 12 long hard years of an unbalanced budget by Republicans that 'say' they are fiscal conservatives but spend tax dollars worse than Reagan and are only cheap in spending their own personal and corporate millions instead of their fair share of taxes with fraudulent 'lilo' tax shelters, offhshore tax havens , and now secret state shell tax corporations, besides the usual 'legal' two sets of books and 'legal' insider trading.
I often get asked 'how is Arnold doing?' from visitors to California and i usually try to be honest and say 'he is certainly not allowing the selfish rich bastards that make up the majority of the Republican Party to be taxed at anywhere near their rightful share'. To be honest, he promised we Californians an audit to see where the corrupt state legislature spent the trillions, but that probably will never happen from this 'conan'-actor-Governor. When will the Democrats again say that they are the party of the working poor and even the crippled weak unworking poor, and the declining middle cash/class--tho most Republicans are excellent living breathing examples of how more money means less class--instead of sucking up to the lobbyist as easily as the crass and shallow Republicans ? In the end performance, will there be so little difference between any Democratic candidate or any overly apologetic Republican candidate that all we may wish for is a terrible --remember the well poisoning gasoline additive from Canada?--trade deal and a balance surplus budget, with sex scandal,,,ala Bill ?