I went to SJSC in the 60s, so i paid my dues and this is my opinion. Change it back to "san jose state college" as it is not academically equal to a University, no matter how hard they try to bluff it. Yes, there are some outstanding teachers/professors,,,like Eakins who was in History and the Bio 1 teacher in 1966=could have taught at Haaavaaard!!,,,but there are some terrible ones, like the only one Genetics prof. who got away with saying 'i will fail you if you are an A student if i don't think you are a good rep. of sjsc,science,and genetics' and this is the one prof and the one class you must have for a hard science(vs teacher's soft science track) BS degree.
But the main problem is in Administration and the lack of talent and determination , from the Chancellor/President all the way up to the Governor. The old 'tower list' was so revealing,,,
First, the Admin. makes the profs waste their time with unnecessary admin. meetings when they should be teaching, not doing Admin's job. Stupid. Look what Admin. did with the former Industrial Arts Department? Gutted it and gave the space to geeky Engineering, so that we have even More Engineering grads who can't use a screw driver or operate a hammer safely. Plus the state killed most practical useful 'vocational' high school electives like woodshop metalshop autoshop. Soo mexico third-world anti-progess. Stupid. Second, they can't even run this commuter school, like drop-kick this pompous genetic sole professor !! And keep the Greeks from stealing every test, having weekly orgies and rapes, and generally behaving like rich cute spoiled children. Area crime is a major worry because of the inadequate sjpd. Duh. You send sjsc a check for over $25000 and they do not even acknowledge it and thank you for it!! So you call after a few months to see if it was lost in the mail, and they say,"oh, it's probably here somewhere,,,". Incompetents.
Third, the past Governor, governor moonbeam jerry brown, now on vacay as our typical donothingforthepublic benchwarming state attorney general, said that any state 'university=college' could require a 2 year returning VietNam veteran with an honorable discharge and almost 4 years of college, to completely re-do all the GE/general education requirements if he tried to transfer to Sac State, supposedly in the same system. Therefore, admit it, California, you have too low a standard with gross evidence to continue the fraud of calling your second tier public education, under the University of Ca. campuses,,,'university',,,and should revert to something more honest ,like 'college' or even 'normal school' would be more appropriate. Or maybe 'miasma',,,