Saturday, April 02, 2016

Headlights left on a work parking in Frisco, but TERRIBLE service road emergency from AAA !!!

First, AAA does not record how long you wait to talk to a dispatcher. Over 15minutes last night !! Horrible policy.

Second, I have paid already for premium service plan, not the basic, yet EVERY TIME I CALL AAA DOES NOT KNOW ME OR HAVE MY INFO "ON FILE". What a really bad policy. The too slow woman asked,"your number?"and it is too long, so use letters and numbers instead.

"Your full name?" I have paid all this money to AAA and they didn't even write down my name !!

The "car you drive?"  It is still the same Acura, no security door remote system and turn the ignition OFF, yet the headlights stay ON. Grrrrr !!
Stupid design, Honda.

Well it may be up to 60minutes, she said.

I was freezing.
My cellphone just died.
And 2 nice college students from Guam called for me.

The Mex pickup driver was very fast and polite, TG.
Such a horrible long day at work, then a headlight dead battery, and frustrating slow disrespectful PRE-PAID service from AAA.
