Monday, August 06, 2012

Only 18.4c for Federal Gas Tax, when we in California are paying $3-6. Why not raise it to $1 at least and keep that profit from the Oil Industry and put it to use repairing our Crumbling USA infrastructure ?!?

Talk about a lack of duty by our Congress !!

Our national infrastructure is getting worse and worse, and we are paying more and more in $B is subsidies and kid-glove treatment for environmental damage from oil spills and much higher prices at the pumps.

I would MUCH RATHER PAY INTO THE FEDERAL GAS TAX FUND than excess profit line the oil company executive pockets !
And i think most Americans would agree, that when you have to pay $4 or $5 or $6 here in California, instead of $3, why not have at least $1 of that go to much needed repair budgets?

We will pay now, with small increases in taxes, or later in MUCH LARGER TAXES AND WORSE ROADS.

I say, kick Congress in the lazy ass, and act responsibly NOW !!

I don't want to be more like Mexico, but as good or better than Canada,,, and we are wasting the time value of money by all this decade after decade delay.

Think how healthy the SSN budget would be now if a tax ceiling of just $111,xxx was never allowed !?  Crazy how short-sighted Congress has been.