Saturday, January 26, 2013

Caution!! California state highway agency, CalTrans, says they will not sand Highways like 17 if there is BLACK ICE !! Gosh, i would hate to think there was one responsible, hard working, good value bunch of civil servants , besides the DMV, in California.

CalTrans says they will only sand if it snows.  Not if it rains and the pavement is slippery, by their own expensive electronic signage.

And certainly not when the danger is least noticed and most dangerous, when there is BLACK ICE.

Yep, sounds like a bunch of incompetent, unprofessional, unwise, irresponsible, overpaid and under-worked state of california employees.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It is so easy to go the the Ca. Sec. of State website and file as a "Green Party" new member to encourage the regressive Democrats to act more Progressive !!

Don't you feel your vote was barely valued after $2Billion was spent by the extremely regressive Republicans and the moderately regressive Democrats? Hope is almost gone already. There is no loud Progressive orator we can trust to act like his/her words.

The wars will continue.
Guantanamo and torture will continue.  Wall Street to-big-to-fail  and under-regulated penultimate theft will continue.
The Chinese unfair monetary practices will continue for more decades, appeasement by the capitalists wanting access to the masses at the cost of a poorer and weaker USA.  Jobs and factories will continue to leave and our standard of living, for the 98%, will continue to decline.  After 4 long years , there will have been no start to a too long delayed massive national infrastructure rebuilding program. Not even a start,,,

Don't you hear President Obama backpedaling already?

And both parties going right back to silly debt ceiling hearings and brinkmanship, arguing and posing, instead of working?

What if 20M or 50M voters decided to experiment and change parties from Democrat to Green?  Don't you think that would cattle-prod the lazy donkey Democrats to action, at least a little action?

What we can not do is sit on our hands after voting, maybe paying a few more politician's campaign bills, and end up in 4 long years,,, exactly where we are now.  We will not only be the laughing stock of the entire World, but we will have lost the perfect timing to balance the ship of state , the USA.  The rich will still be untouchable rich and uncaring but for themselves, and the poor working and under-employed masses will be so much poorer sicker and uneducated.

Do you really think President Obama will increase the middle class by even 10% in the next 4 years when he has not raised it even 1% in the last 4 years?

Have we mostly given up on the American Dream, beaten by white collar bankers who have too short by corrupt Congress statue of limitations and 'proof of criminal motive' difficulties on their side to hinder the FBI and the Justice Dept just enough to never get around to jailing even one banker or mortgage fraud co. like Countrywide executive and send even two vs hundreds to jail for a very long time?

The old have their pensions and SSN, but for how long ,,, with private pensions being robbed by companies left and right and both parties willing to restrict Social Security instead of take the tax cap off, which is the plain as night to day answer? Teachers and Police-Fire underfunded pensions are probably next to fail.  But who cares?  Call your Senator or Rep. and see how little they care about you voters now that the votes are counted.

And the young?  Why do they work so hard at school if there is so little future for them here at home or overseas with the EU and Japan in serious peril? So apolitical, when that is all that will save them and us. Don't they know how easy a political fix would be?

Join and invigorate the Green Party. Get a Constitutional Amendment to ban all private money from all government elections in each and every state.  Free digital tv and radio time instead on those community channels.  Get another to overturn Citizens United if necessary.
Have, like Britain, an anytime vote of 'no confidence' by computer by citizens and the censure of the President.

Some voter block must get Congress off the couch.  The tea party block has failed.  I think it will be the young voter block in the next 4 years.  Without the prejudice and pride
blindness of the old and middle aged.

Another lie: "State of Ca. EDD office, 2450 South Bascom, San Jose, Ca." is NOT an official real EDD/employment dev. office !!

Where oh where is the SJMerc !?

They not only lie on the door, those inside will tell you they are 'yes, we are EDD, real and official, staff.'

But the real harm comes with what the EDD lets these 'WorkForce' co. employees do in giving the public bad advice and misrepresentation. MORE LIES.  "Try the phones to file a claim; If that does not work, try the computer terminals." A waste of time.  Go home and file on your own computer, tho EDD may try to block that and loose your claim.

And they say outrageous HUGE LIES like "Don't worry, you have 18 months to file a claim."  It is best you file the first week or few days after ending employment, as the first week does not count and if you do wait more than a week, say 5-6 months, well that is unpaid wasted time. Max payment in ca. is $425/wk. Yikes.

It is amazing to me , with Democrat Governor Jerry Brown and a Democrat 'super-majority' in the state legislature, they allow this LOUSY HURTFUL LIE to continue.  Even San Jose and Santa Clara County turn a blind eye to this awful lie that hurts those already hurting in the working poor and the unemployed bottom ranks of our society.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Our President says that an assault weapon gun ban is the answer. What about all those millions of teenage boys alone without good male role models and playing VIOLENT VIDEO COMPUTER GAMES FOR HOURS AND HOURS EVERY DAY?

Oh, that would open the 'good parenting vs bad parenting' can of worms.
Politically can't be that honest.

Hey, the poor ostracized kid in Newtown had no close good male role models at school as teachers or highly involved good adult caring males with his life. I read all the teachers were female;Big mistake. Even my mediocre elem. had 2 fine male school teachers.

Heck adults, have you not seen some of these very violent games that other parents kids are allowed to play and doesn't it disturb you ,,,creep you out!,,, a little about how gory bloody cruel unjustly violent this USA and worldwide boy obsession is? And look what happens when young boys alone play extremely violent video computer games!!

In my day in the 50s we neighborhood boys would play cowboys and indians with rubber suction cup tipped arrows and bb gun rifles with the bb's and mechanism removed for just the pop. Dodge ball really hurt. And throwing dirt clods. Or ice snowballs.  But we also played 'hide and seek' a lot.  And 'baseball' and 'basketball' and 'football' and even imaginary-baseball baseball slow-mo. Those were people peer interactive games, not this alone in a bedroom, unsupervised by good adult male role models, HUGE AND VERY PROFITABLE BUSINESS OF GETTING OUR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN ADDICTED TO VIOLENT VIDEO COMPUTER GAMES,,,for profit.

God forbid Fox News bottle-blonde hotties talk about that,,,or the President.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Men who don't get manicures and especially pedicures for a total of usually $25 DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE MISSING !!

I go to this little plain place in Campbell on Hamilton just west of San Tomas.  Nothing fancy. $25, manicure and pedicure, for about 45 minutes to an hour.

But to have a young beautiful woman soak your feet in a warm bubble bath, trim your toenails and toe cuticles, massage different stuff on your toe nails, block sand your sole callouses off,,, AND massage your shins calfs and feet with lots of lotion, and towel off, is JUST PLAIN wonderful !! Most men out there, you don't know what you are missing!!

And they don't get upset when you tell them how good they are at their jobs and how beautiful they are !

I have been married twice to attractive women, am very generous, and had over 40 lovers and yet none of them would ever consider or ever did give me a pedicure and foot massage. Wives!, watch out !!

When i get rich, i am going to get a pedicure every week,,, at different places,,, and have young beautiful women take such good care and stimulating massage of my toenails feet calves and shins. Heaven must be like this!

Rubbermaid has serious website problems this week. Can not order 'code 120',,, nor print coupons.

They say they hope to have the website fixed by next Monday,,,

Recommend food storage, frig/freezer, the Rubbermaid and Premier line with clear BPA-safe containers and red rubber rim lids,,,ESPECIALLY FOR ARTHRITIC / WEAK / SENIORS.

We do not microwave cook in them, as that is not recommended, but we do microwave warm.

Mom is 94 and we have tried glass food containers,,,"too heavy".  The lime,food preserve, green plastic containers,,,"i can't see what food is in there". Maybe i can use them?  And the EasyFindLid line,"no". A whole big bag of those to give away,,, Or the Rubbermaid,Lock-it line with 4-fold down lids ,,,"i can't open these or close these, thanks anyway". She still loves to cook. Returned the Lock-it line for refund.

This has taken months, years, many brands and many styles. i have a full grocery bag of Ziplock store-bought light plastic food containers to give away,,,"i can't open this,,,anymore",,, (and doesn't close it completely either).

As i said , we use Pyrex covered bowls in various sizes to microwave COOK in, so have not had any problems yet with cracking in the Premier line. They do hold a lot of water in the "top rack-only" of the finished dishwasher cycle.  Don't think i would buy the black rubber version if i had the choice of red or black rubber lid rims.

Also found a store back East ,,,,,,( or something close to that),,, that ships individual large Rubbermaid- Premier line food containers,,, and larger sets than the 12 piece only set sold on Rubbermaid website. Not cheap shipping. But an option.  Very hard to find in stores like suggested "try Target or Walmart or ,,,bla bla bla".

Thank you, Rubbermaid !!

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Want to see the Democrats get FIRED UP and MOTIVATED sooner than much later? Register GREEN PARTY right now, a long 4 years before the next big election !!

Voting for Republicans as a show of displeasure with Democrats inaction and misdirection was certainly a backfire mistake in 2004 !!

Now is the time to make an alternative to EXTRAVAGANT SPENDING San Jose Water Co. and their for-profit gouging of Santa Clara water buyers !!

They want ,for-profit, over a 20% increase this 2013 year in a great recession,,, and over 40% increase in the next 3 years in a terribly down economy !!  Ha !!  And the flacid PUC may let them have it !!

If the Democrats won't get off their duffs, then register with the Green Party NOW in early 2013, long before the next 2016 Presidential Election.

Let's see how they react to a mass exodus from 'tweedle dumb' Republicans bent on damaging or ending our govt formerly of 'regulated' rules and laws,,, and 'tweedle duff' Democrats who get elected with eloquence then ignore the voters-citizens and go quickly back to sleep.

Disney, SHAME ON YOU for charging children and adults $110/seat to the SF performance of "Lion King" at the Orpheum Theatre !! No child discount is just too GREEDY !!

No senior discount, either.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Congrats to ABC for doing the recent tv expose on how BAD SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS are !! Much needed, especially to too trusting parents.

Not only do they speed with Your Children too often,,, but they run red lights and RxR / railroad tracks WITHOUT STOPPING.

Parents assume the transport of their children is of a high importance to their public school district.  Back when i was driving a 99 passenger school bus WITHOUT A CHAPERONE and without any seat belts for any of the kids, and a EMR handicap van with the disabled kids triple strapped in, it was an eye opener job! Have you ever attended a school board meeting? What a farce!

I worked in San Diego and for a subcontractor for a school district.  So the school district did not have to pay us good wages and benefits and after taking a huge skim of profits, neither did the subcontractor. Low wages, unpaid split shift jobs attract ,,,who?  Women and low skill men. I was driving the best charter bus company new vehicles at night and on weekends,,, and working driving school kids on workdays. Back then San Diego had the smoothest and most uncrowded freeways in Ca. and was a cheap great place to live for 20?s and 30?s young adults !!

My first day with 99 seats scared the heck out of me as to who would protect the kid/s in the back of the bus? With the small van , i personally strapped and seat belted in every child and had a great group of kids who were mostly very well behaved and probably heavily medicated.  But i often saw my fellow subcontractor drivers run railroad tracks without stopping first,,, and speeding. Often !!

The CHP class for the license was strict but not that hard. And we seldom saw a manager from the subcontractor, tho i bet he was secretly following us around ,maybe, to check on us. Maybe not.

That is why i think every parent who has his kid bused should secretly follow that bus at least once a school year. That is not too much to ask of parents. And why? Because you probably have a very low wage, no benefits, stressed out by kids yelling, person driving your very valuable kid ! 

And school buses , tho bright in color, are not 'bright' in design compared to adult buses/ coaches.  I would much rather have my kid as a passenger in a use 1980s MCI or used VanHool than any new school bus , without A/C and without strong comfy seats AND SEAT BELTS. Plus , a used coach might be cheaper and have an emergency toilet in back, a good thing to have with a bunch of kids,,, and no other adult. Yellow school buses have inferior suspensions and inferior brakes to a new ,say, VanHool coach of 40 or 45ft.  Yes, school buses are expensive , but compare a crash in a typical school bus vs a used coach.  My guess is there is better survive-ability in the new or used coach,especially with seat belts that you can now order for coaches. You put your kid in any vehicle or yellow school bus WITHOUT ANY SEAT BELTS !?  Are you crazy !?

That is something that always troubled me, why no one volunteered or took low pay to be the second adult on every school bus,,, besides the driver.  As a parent, you certainly don't expect a low paid or even a high paid school district driver to drive and also make sure you kid does not get beaten up by the always present resident bully,,, do you!?

That is such a huge risk, as a bunch of screaming and yelling and opening emergency exit windows on narrow busy streets can unnerve most professional drivers.  And if you don't think this misbehavior happens regularly, just call Stanford and ask how misbehaving the fraternities and sororities there are when they charter buses to go to the bar on the coast to act like hooligans, as they open the buses emergency exit windows on hwy 92 and risk an oncoming truck hitting the window and spraying broken glass at people inside the bus !!  With elementary and middle school students the risks are much greater, yet there is no 'hazard pay' in school bus driving and you can make much more money getting tips and driving tour buses or city double decker tour buses. Or most truck jobs with full benefits.  So don't think for a second these days with most school districts unwilling to pay for the best drivers as direct employees and choosing subcontractors of whatever repute instead that automatically your kids are safe.

Yes, i use to call the CHP and tell them that i saw a school bus driver run a red light or run a set of railroad tracks.  But back in the 70s and even today in SoCal they are too busy to seem to care. Only up here in NorCal do i have the CHP trained to politely take my calls on drunk drivers, speeders and racers, bloody accidents, debris everywhere damaging many passing cars behind 2 to multi-car collisions, and people who die or fall asleep at the wheel and just drive off into the bushes,,,

The biggest charter bus company in SF, the now bankrupt 'CoachAmerica', use to send unlicensed drivers to do school district jobs requiring a school bus drivers license/SPAB.  I got out of one such run by talking privately with the school principal about her legal liability.

Parents are too trusting.
Parents should verify,,, not just get in line.