Monday, February 11, 2008

The Democrats can still EASILY lose the 2008 Presidential Election

Hillary will be an ugly race/contest if she is chosen by the semi-educated forgetful American electorate. The media would just love such an ugly mudslinging day after day circus ,to sell more newspapers and magazines and tv advertising. The media keeps talking about all of Hillary's friends, but look and all her ENEMIES, numerous and Strong !!

First, the Republicans are just itching to get her in the ring with her long suspect history. Ask any Rep-robate how long they have been getting hate mail predicting only Hillary will be chosen by 'those terrible liberals'. Then ask your self how many of the less than overwelming majority Democrats are going to vote for Hillary and let Bill back in the White House, OUR White House again!! Then think of all the environmentalists--yes i know that is another Republican smear dirty word--that remember Bill and Hillary championing overtly all the benefits to the good old USA of NAFTA,,, NAFTA passes,,, and a trade deal trumps local state and national environmental and health regs and laws so that we now not only have lost tens of thousands of higher paying jobs but we have encouraged massive pollution on the Mex. border by the factories/maquilladoros and we have widespread ground water pollution by previously known cancer causing MTBE, courtesy of our former good friends in Canada.

Remember that old saying "strong fences make good neighbors" ,well, we are about to have our living standard and health standard lowered to Mexico and India or the lowest corporate common denominator ,,,and that should be super scary to all but the super selfish super rich,,, ok, even they will not be able to buy there way out or away or separate from contaminated food, water, air, soil and ocean. Then there are those of us that remember -just like yesterday- when Bill Clinton shook his finger at us all in the USA about how , like Kennedy, he was not cheating on his wife IN OUR White House almost daily/weekly for years. Never again.

How did we go so against Darwinism and survival of the fittest in electing since the beginning such a decline in human character and personal quality of our American Presidents ?!