Friday, August 08, 2008

Protect new car windows from permanent hard water spots, at the lot , with Glass Science's Rain Clear ,,,GEL,,,(AUG '08 update)

One of the biggest appearance depreciations right off the lot with a new car is the usual first day splash with hard water spots, whether it is Santa Cruz hard water or Capitola's or San Jose's.

A very smart way to protect you big investment for a long time is to use either Rain-x or something like it,,,and i like Glass Science's Rain Clear GEL because it goes on like vasoline filling all those tiny cavities in glass, unlike the old LIQUID version that was too runny. Rub it on with a small terry cloth towel and take off the excess with another one. Do this once or twice a year -don't forget your rear view left and right outside mirrors- and you will never have to look through PERMANENT WHITE HARD WATER SPOTS !! My advice is to not use anything on the inside surfaces of the glass other than windex-like stuff, as most of them,Rain-x and Glass Science, tend to haze and obscure with a constant need for rag polishing,,,

For your tires i have tried all the usual auto store options and have given up on the oily sprays like Black Magic, cuz they are greasy and don't last more than acoupe days. Recommend you use Original Armor All that sprays on like milk and last a week. Also good on plastic like your back hood wiper area. Again, don't use it on your dash or your inside windows will constantly fog and need a towel wipe off.