Saturday, October 04, 2008

Republicans "smaller govt, less tax(on rich)" Philosophy and strategy of DEregulation are DEad, DEad, DEad !!!

Some Americans are so dumb,,, they 'think' we can 'win Victory' in Iraq,,, like VietNam,,,boy, do we have some shallow minds in the fields and colleges of America!
And they still,,,still,,, believe that President Bush is doing the right/correct thing for the USA and the economy. Maybe they just want to retire in Mexico and China, and let the USA go to hell. Or maybe you're just a rich selfish bastard who only cares about himself and his family.

The two lies about 'weapons of mass destruction' and 'al queda involvement' were not enough for some people,,,They need or want another Great Depression as proof that the Republicans and their agenda are TOTALLY WRONG for the times. I hope the the sorry fools don't get what they want.

This is the end of the Republican Party. They have been a total failure ,on every front, with a President who is dishonest and can barely speak an English sentence. Then there is the folly of allowing rich individuals and corporations to avoid their taxes with legal and illegal offshore accounts. Our national economy is crashing due to DEregulation and the President still ,,,still,,,he talks about free trade! China has poisoned our milk, our kid's jewelry with lead, and our pet food, so is there anymore reason for a strong ,larger federal government that REGULATES and actually does some good for its fat pay? Congress is too beholden to paying and lobbying corporations and rich individuals that corrupt our democracy, and there is a screaming need for public financing of all campaigns with free tv time. The federal tax code can get more corrupted with 'rifleshots' and 'loopholes' but is that the America you want ? Oh, yeah, you are sending most of your money 'home' ,u.s. citizen, to Mexico or China,,,

What sorry citizenship !! We deserve it for selling it so cheap to those unworthy and uncommitted.