Let's make more fun of,,,for instance ,,,Donald Trump. He thinks he is a big success. We laugh at his funny comb-over hair. But isn't his selfish super-wealthy out-of-control ambition more of a cautionary tale ? Some less wise may still want to be just as super-rich and ambitious like him and others,,,
5th generation Californian blows off steam and comments on the last 50 year decline in quality of life, etc. in home state of California. Some good news hopefully.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
31 Dec 2009, on PBS's "Newhour" program, Paul Solman asks why most economists missed our recent near-Super Crash,,,It's obviously the rich potential
profiting with little risk. That is the what super-rich, very well educated, 'privileged' , ambitious and very well off have done for themselves and against society and the less fortunate since history began. The Greeks, the Romans, the French, the British colonialists, even the smart, wise, should ethically act better and should have better control of their greed and selfish avarice Americans. It is all about 'me', me, me,,, and not about democracy or the declining middle class needing a pay raise or being willing to pay your fair share of taxes.