Monday, January 11, 2010

The Greenest quick action the President could take any day,,,would be to time the stop lights on every Expressway and major boulevard-divided street

in America !! This would help every city and every county in the USA, IMMEDIATELY. With less smog created stopped or slow going in traffic just because of untimed stoplights, and less time wasted waiting for stupid untimed stoplights ,like most we have here in Silicon Valley.

What is the point of being the manufacturing hub for computers, the original Silicon Valley, when we do not benefit socially and environmentally and practically !?
We got the massive ground water pollution, but the city and county and state and federal politicians will not give us the regulated safe under-the-speed-limit practical flow of traffic !! Instead we get massive traffic jams, mainly because the cities like San Jose are too lazy for decades to time the major street stop lights !!

This is so backward and stupid and impractical,,,and polluting and wasteful !!

And the new Democrats in Washington, D.C. don't seem to be much better than the Republicans at facing up to the many neglected problems America faces,,,