Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wonder if Meg Whitman is going to hold public school administration accountable,,,or just let them continue robbing from the system with bloated salaries, golden parachutes, and golden handshakes with little true accountability?

 The California ballot measure to require all public schools K-12 to live within a 10% budget WAS A GOOD IDEA.  Just because the infamously corrupt and bloated incompetent LOS ANGELES UNIFIED PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM was the primary agent against it should not have mattered, but for all their campaign cash.  LAUPSD is INFAMOUS in this state for wasting public school money in their Los Angeles largest-in-state district for instance by buying literature-based books one year and phonics-based books the next.  Also a bloated inefficient staff. The laughing stock of the state in public school districts.