Wednesday, May 05, 2010

SHAME on local KTVU2, KRON4,KQED9 and nation news ABC, CBS, and NBC ,,, for not sending one camera out on 11-12pm 15 April 2010 to catch on news video the failure of the USPS in making tax drop off work !!

This year there were only 2 post offices in the entire Bay Area, Oakland and SFO Airport where i was at 1150pm unable to drop off my completed taxes because of incompetent SF traffic cops and unprepared USPS staff,,,over a hundred cars were stuck in a jam, and people were bailing out of passenger seats 2 and 3 blocks away and running in the last 15 minutes,,,

But you will never see that news footage,,,because the major new agencies were too lazy to send a news crew out at 11pm.  Sad how soft and overpaid our local tv newsreaders have become,,,