Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dear Mrs. Katie Couric, Sorry you are leaving CBSNews ,maybe,,, but you were not you, unlike on the Today Show, so no wonder you Bombed

I was a big fan of Jane Pauley, as of you on the Today Show , when you acted as a woman, a full person, smart funny well-educated and well read.  Just as interesting a Personality as any of the guys, maybe more so.  It's still a guys world eh?

So why have you been taking all this bad bad bad advice for so long on CBSNews to be male-suited, serious- face all the time, one dimensional, and too much like male news readers?  I don't give a fig for who gave you the advice--you didn't do this to yourself , did you!!?-- whether it was a guy or gal or some overpaid network guru gnu.

First, you don't have much time left, so be a woman, not a male version of a female news reader,,,or is that female version of a male news reader?.  Walter Cronkite was famous, as a GUY; But do you really want to read everything so stiff and stylized ,during the never ending Vietnam war even, only crying once on tv when Kennedy was assassinated?  "And that is the way it was,,," ,geesh, leave that consistent, robot/machine-like reading to the guys imitating the guys role model!  I watched Walter almost every night as a kid and young man, but that was in tv's infancy; He would not succeed now.  Such consistency 'reassurance' was a disservice,,,There were social, political and economic revolutions going on,,,and the s.f. Summer of Love in '67 was not shown on the evening news nightly.

We love our news readers for their humanity, not wooden-ness.  Look at the Today Show Birthday Boy; Everyone, ok almost everyone loves Willard.  Not the always mad and mean men, no thanks i say.  And look at how different you appeared on the recent Today Show with your old bud whats-his-name(mat!) vs how you appear on your regular job; Worlds apart and i want to see the full person Katie ,,, not the wood version.

Father's can be wooden and consistent. Mother's have to be emotionally available and responsive.  Can you imagine giving your daughters the same response for an "A" on a test as for consistent good manners or a careless hurtful remark in public?  Those in Journalism who don't like expression or especially opinion in news must think we all are morons/worse,,, and certainly never watched KQED9's Newsroom!!  

Maybe in the future there will be a) the naked news reading girls of Canada , and b) the wooden males with fancy suits and ties,,, yawn,,,and c) sock puppets and cartoon 2 dimensional cutouts and ,,, real, confident, emotionally available ,smart , well educated,vivacious, life experienced, somewhat wise, smarty pants ,,, talking springer spaniels!

Best wishes, whatever you do. You could be the Phil Donahue second coming(kidding)