Friday, September 30, 2011

OK, the local SFBAY PBS tv station KQED-9 ,,, is MUCH BETTER THAN most other also commercial tv stations,,, but that does not mean it is AS GOOD AS IT ONCE WAS ,,, OR AS GOOD AS IT COULD BE !!

Go to the KQED website and read their own history. What was the point and benefit to us of all those buying and selling studio locations? Does it Really need a secret deal with big bad Chevron, that is probably against the 'public interest'?  Don't you miss 'Newsroom' and all the roundtable open and honest political discussion, if you even have a high school diploma and can remember?

For a 'public tv station' , i want to see the books.  What are you at KQED afraid of?   Is not 'honesty still a good policy' ?  How much do these irritant donor nags make ?  Has buying the other local PBS stations been for 'the public benefit' or just KQED's Ego ?  

Why has so little been produced locally by KQED ?  And so little of major quality like the other PBS stations ?

It is only a tv station,,, And we , the public, have so little say, even if you contribute.  Money is not the vote / opinion , in spite of what those fools on the Supreme Court say. Why is KQED hiding so much of what they do ?

Like local famous John Muir, i put much more true value in spending $M and even $B and $T("tax the rich!!", you've got to pay to succeed here, not be Euro trash royals like the public owed you a gilded cage,,,) on cleaning up the toxic and open sewer of SFBay, and the California environment ,,, over Any tv station,,, any day.