Saturday, February 11, 2012

11 Feb. 2011,Seems like the national media attention has been at the 'Circus' for weeks. Lots of "clowns" and "freaks" and sword-swallowers(why?) and "Magicians" who do tricks like 'Taxes are bad and the Nation's debt does not matter' when we know it is a trick. How long do we as a Nation have to watch this 'Circus' , bored tired with reality, to want to say, 'ok, that was weird, strange, bizarre, radical, extreme,,, now i am ready for Reality again?

What a 'Circus' it was tho!!
The beautiful people,,, that were sooo dumb! Wow.
A doctor and a leader who both showed so little compassion and understanding that America is for all of us, sink or swim, that we will not stop this free-fall unless all can afford to go shopping again and buy new cars and movie tickets and other made in the USA products.  Another 10 or 40 years of just the rich getting pay increases and doing well will not be enough to save the free-falling USA.  It's a nice fantasy, but like watching a Magician , we do know it is misdirection and tricks, not a real special power.  

Just tricks.  Amusing, maybe entertaining until you sense the hate undercurrent and the con.  If we all are fooled just a little bit longer, the rich will be the very few sooo much richer.  Boy, have we wasted a lot of time at this Circus!

And right after one of the biggest public thefts in American history of the bankers forging mortgages to make hybrid investment vehicles,CDS and such, so risky they crashed the Nation's economy.  No banker has gone to jail yet, as we have just bailed them out from pulling us all under.  The question of the law and who broke it and how long the media and the public will ignore the massive size of this gigantic theft in broad daylight, waits.  

Who really cares if bankers can continue to lie cheat steal forge fabricate falsify and foreclose on millions of Americans, under mortgage contracts that lets them take all the years and decades of mortgage payments in the $Trillions and also the houses-homes away from so many, with forged fake fraudulent documents? They are laughing at our public weakness  'all the way to the bank'.   The bait of the American Dream and the nightmare of business-as-usual foreclosure. With a lot of extra fraud thrown in ,,, for extra profit.  Yikes.

Who is big enough to go against the bankers that are still 'too big to fail' , still running Congress with the Clinton killing of the Glass-Steagall Act, and making huge,solar system size profits, illegally?  The public?  The State Attorney Generals? The President and vice-President? The public. Maybe, if it all weren't such an awful mess.