Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Mom and Sister are both Univ. educated and retired public school teachers and have been saying all week,"President Obama lost the first debate because he hesitated too much and looked down too much."(Damn! if women aren't from Mars)

How could you be so,,,
simple minded?
shallow and superficial?
intellectually switched off?
debate as fashion runway, body language test, clueless?!!

Remember, i said these 2 women were both University educated, both registered Democrats, both long suffering under idiot principals and wasteful superintendents retired public school teachers.  Both with very comfortable pensions, both don't see the current pain at all of the major recession of massive foreclosures and job losses, at all, so blind !!, both with the attitude 'it is just another day, just another election,,,'  God help us all !!

And there was No discussion of honesty, and values, and trustworthiness, and ideals, and performance what is and should be the USA, America.,,,None !!

Holy Crap !!

Women, this is Not a California or American Reagan and Arnold Schwartzenegger Beauty Contest !!  Stop focusing on the trivial and pay attention to the basics !!  It was bad enough, American women, you led us into the disaster of misguided Prohibition with 'religion' !!  Please don't be so Silly as to take your vote as a chance to only express which suit, full or empty, you like !!

Show that you deserve the vote,,, and equal pay for equal or sex too work,,, show some compassion for other Americans less fortunate than you and all the tiny minority of RichBastards.

Holy Crap !!  "american women,,," !!, the song goes,,,

Please, American women, mature before November, become more responsible before November, get you minds and memories and hearts engaged fully before November !!

Holy Crap !!