Friday, July 19, 2013

THINK!.(Green Party)

Why now is the time to quit both 'two party system' Republican Party and Democrat Party.  Here are at least 20 good reasons:
1-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has not stopped TORTURE at Guantanamo and elsewhere. Easy fix right,as it was one of our virtues never to engage in torture.
2-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has not stopped RAPE by the thousands annually in our military, here in the USA , and overseas.  All the CIC/POTUS has to do as 'Commander in Chief' is make one written order, and mean it. Easy.
3-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, does not mind the very toxic and poorly regulated last several years of TOXIC DRILLING to our DRINKING GROUND WATER SUPPLIES, like the Ogallala Aquifer, of FRACKING.  Easy, just ban it until our scientists think of a clean way to do it. Or not do it at all. Same for class of poisons killing all the bees, and rubber stamp farm poisons. We want stronger Clean Water and Clean Air acts.
4-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has not ended, in President Obama's second 4 year term, the exhorbitant BUSH TAX CUTS for the super-rich.  Easy, just bring back the mid-1900s graduated taxes, with a huge luxury tax,,, and a gigantic ban on offshore accounts.
5-Here in California, the Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has allowed our PUBLIC SCHOOLS to fall from among the best/top 3 in the USA to the bottom 3, and that is with a Democrat Governor and a Democrat super-majority in both state houses. Easy, fix it by taking all their pensions away,,, and if that does not work, flush both state houses.  Get written pledges of new candidates they will fix it in 5yrs, or else.
6-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, is too soft on big campaign contributors like the corrupt and dangerous BANKS with their dangerous derivatives, c.d.swaps, massive fraud of nationwide home foreclosures.
7-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, is talking about cutting Social Security, now that Bill Moyer's tv show has leaked President Obama's secret wish to savage the Great Depression program.
8-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has not stopped the Pebble Mine cold in Alaska to save the massive Alaskan salmon fishery in Bristol Bay and the Bering Sea. Reckless and irresponsible.
9-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has done little to control HEALTH CARE costs, with just delays ,,, and talk about a 'public option' and 'single payer'.  We need a faster fix. 
10-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, seems to agree each year to NEVER ENDING FOREIGN WAR in the Middle East, that we have not raised taxes to afford and probably is making us many more enemies as terrorists in the future than any current body count.
11-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, both seem to like 'DEREGULATION' , that bankrupted California with our Democrat Governor lying to us that home gas and electric would go down with market forces, so we fired Gray Davis immediately.  Sound like a good idea, fire all in Congress.  Return the USA to 'the rule of law'.
12-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has not passed a law overturning 'CITIZENS UNITED'  and the fraud that money equals votes and corporations are the equal of people.
13-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, is ok with exploding college and university, public, TUITION COSTS.
14-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, is ok with the unenforced 'EQUAL PAY' for either gender, man or woman.  Women seem to be ok with making only .77c about to men's $1.00 .  No leadership, from the national female political leaders, nor the President.
15-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, seems to be ok with the current laws that allow gays to be FIRED FOR BEING GAY, and companies to blacklist good workers forever.
16-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has let our AMERICAN AUTO INDUSTRY NON-COMPETE AND DECLINE, so now DETROIT declares bankruptcy.
17-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, has current law giving TAX CUTS to companies moving JOBS OVERSEAS and hurting American citizens by the 1000s, millions.
18-The Democrat Party,like the Republican Party, has allowed good and bad companies to move FACTORIES to the Mexican side of the border, and then far OVERSEAS, like China, where toxins are added to drywall we buy and toys we give our children. Child labor abuses have skyrocketed and the products are not much cheaper.
19-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, will give an ALIEN a JOB before an American citizen in need of that job. Thousands, millions.
20-The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, gave 4 million illegal residents US CITIZENSHIP, and now wants to give it away to 11 million illegal residents, that don't have to give up their Mexican or other citizenship.

The Democrat Party, like the Republican Party, with ask for your VOTES and your money, again and again, if you are poor  middle-income or rich, and then only serve the RICH.  That is why i will no longer vote for either.