This is not behind the wheel behavior betterment, but what did the seldom seen and under paid and under staffed MECHANICs MISS DOUBLE CHECKING. And a lot of California charter bus companies have "deferred maintenance" agendas to save money and or inadequately trained and funded mechanics.
So from a 40 year industry insider, do not be fooled by the PR hoopla about "our drivers are all SPAB.".
The Taylor SPAB subcontractor drivers who were so underpaid and no benefits vs school district drivers ,,, often ran railroad tracks.
And the SouthBay company that brags about SPAB has a long history of driver accidents and drivers falling asleep on the highway with passengers due to charter bus drivers working,,, too many underpaid hours.
If California charter bus companies were really serious about inproving driver BEHIND THE WHEEL SAFETY , then like UPS they would all teach the Smith System. And pay overtime after 8hrs. It is very easy to ask a charter bus company "Do you pay overtime to your bus drivers? " and "Have your charter bus drivers learned real safe driver improvement with the Smith System that UPS uses?"
Not some 7page memorization farce.
5th generation Californian blows off steam and comments on the last 50 year decline in quality of life, etc. in home state of California. Some good news hopefully.