Sunday, June 15, 2014

This has been the prolonged dirtiest air seasons, Autumn Winter Spring 2013-2014, in the 50 years I have lived in the SFBayArea.

The college degreed "tv weathermen" in their expensive suits and expensive salarymen jobs can bloviate about "the daily high temps".

Where oh where are the Outstanding teaching Weathermen of old, the Old Prof of L.A. and the Fast Talker of SFBayArea who cared so much to professionally teach the general public about something so common and yet so vitally important as "the weather".

Now there are lots of liars and historical whitewashers to bury any meaning from mear numbers and temperatures, like the not that long ago Autumn 3 days in a row in SF of 100F and one day of 104F! They have hid and probably destroyed the photos of the Golden Gate Bridge dramatically sagging under the weight of just 100,000s of 50th Birthday celebrants on that lovely Spring May 1987 day, without cars. Mayor Feinstein had quick left the small party she had called to the bridge.
And the professional news and amateur videos of the October 1989, 7.1R, Santa Cruz-centered, 45second earthquake.

Just ask someone or YouTube and see if they deny "104F in SF".

How dirty , and dangerous to all our healths, have these prolonged 3 seasons of dirty air been?

Many "officials" and "professionals" and politicians obviously don't want us to know.