Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Costco shoppers: Please try Langer's o.j. gallons, PASTEURIZED so they don't go sour for weeks/months in the pantry

I use to buy the frozen cans of oj and mix as needed, keeping 12-24 cans in the freezer.
Each batch would usually turn sour before the end of the week!

Now I buy Langer oj and mango juice by the gallon, use zero limited freezer space, and have never had either go sour even after months ! I only refrigerate one gallon at a time. They rest is in the pantry.

The SFBayArea stores are starting to phase it out !!


The San Jose Costco store manager didn't even know it was pasteurized and wouldn't sour!

Please buy LOTS OF LANGER'S, ,,
and keep it on all the Costco shelves !!

Thank you !