Monday, October 05, 2015

Women in American Politics. How disappointed We all are.

I really , after decades of public office, thought electing women instead of the usual sell-out suit guy, might do more good. Maybe all elected officials will have to be women to have a signifigant, besides suffrage, effect. I campaign worked for women political candidates in the 1960s and 1970s.  My guess is they were all power-vacuum packed away in little offices in state capitols.

Otherwise we would have equal pay.

And zero tolerance for rape in our own military, universities, and rich company offices.

Food and water and air would be safer. Rivers would be cleaner. And we wouldn't be poisoning our ground water to get fracked oil the hard way.

The container ship EL FARO would not have been allowed by the U.S.Coast Guard to leave Jacksonville, Fl. and steam straight into a Bahama Hurricane, killing dozens and polluting the ocean with such an obvious negligent act and insurance scam.

I do not see womanly or motherly qualities, like honesty and frequent communication and caring with our current crop of women politicians.
So why enshrine another disappointing woman , as big a hypocrite as the average male politician?I expected women to be more honest and more caring. Ha!