Monday, April 16, 2018

AAA Emergency Road Service got so bad over years that now there is this BIG $expensive TV PR campaign, instead of improving Service against new Competitors!

How bad did AAA Emergency Road Service get?

Instead a 1-2minute wait by Competition, just to talk to the Dispatcher, last few times it took Over 15minutes, sometimes 25 minutes!

Once you talked to the AAA Dispatcher,  even tho you had prepaid maybe $91 for 100mile tow service, 3 times, you would have to give the Dispatcher All your Information!, Not just Member # on your plastic card!, including Name,  Address,  Phone Number, Location and Problem. "We don't have access to your personal information."

And the long delay for not-the-best Tow Truck local companies was sometimes,,,  hours!
AAA use to have such good Tow Truck companies under contract.
But then I got one at Pebble Beach from Monterey who had to go back home to get his toolbox!
And the woman tow driver in the Frisco rain on a lockout who insisted on using yellow plastic wedges to "pry and probably break the driver's window, insured repair,  as I don't like to use Slim Jims." Probably break my drivers window,  in the rain,  safety glass bits everywhere!?
I excused her, she was pissed.  And waited for another, a guy who used a Slim Jim in less than 1min!

Did the "members" not notice the service getting so much worse over several years?
Was there not enough quality Competition?
I'm not saying AAA is the worst I ever, so far,  have used,  like Ford and a wait of 5hrs in Menlo Park for an amateur Tow Truck driver from,,, Livermore,  who took a full hour to figure out how to drop the spare from the rear of a new Ford Escort van and monkey bar handle from Jack as extension to budge star wrench, my idea. 6 long hours!

AAA doesn't seem to listen to its Customers,  just does dumb Corp stuff,  like continue cutting service for same price,  and this big TV advertising Campaign.
Dumb,  dumb,  dumb.