Wednesday, February 13, 2019

IF Everyone in the BayArea, 9Counties of 8M people, Agree that residential "Land is too EXPENSIVE!" Then why are 90% of the new buildings in SF and the BayArea are LOW-RISE, Not HIGH-RISE of outdated old definition of "7 stories or more"!?

First, don't believe half of what Mayors and Politicians say. Or say they will do well.

Know that most cities, towns, and communities in the BayArea are "living in the past" of 1 and 2 story, so Nimby, and more tolerant of Sky Rocketing Rents, so unfair on the ignored Working Poor and still declining "middle class". RIP?

Maybe the new Governor will help all of us, not just the spoiled Rich oil industry and many new High Rise Office Buildings, with NO appreciable housing for 12,000 new office workers in Cupertino and 20,000 new office workers in SanJose!!
Yes, this is the State Govt Super Majority of Democrats "plan".