Saturday, April 28, 2007

Why is it that men in the USA mostly do not wash their hands after using an expensive restaurant's toilet?!?!!!!

As a limo driver, i go to many fancy bars and nightclubs and restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles and Vegas,,,so why is it, especially at the most expensive restaurants where people are eating very very expensive food, but also at bars and night clubs, that when i go inside to use the fancy toilets, men's, the men MOSTLY DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS !!

This is sooo disgusting, and yet sooo common in these fortunate United States of America.

And who is leading the charge to get people to take care of their personal health and everyone elses ? NO ONE.

Certainly not the Elementary public school teachers, with the too stupid President's 'no child left behind' nonsense--just ask any real teacher--they are too busy to teach character or even the common sense idea that we all should be washing our hands several times a day.

Such a rich and successful country, even tho it is going down the drain fast with all these falling and failing to the lowest common denominator disgusting trade treaties like NAFTA and WTO and GATT, that trump our own city,county, state and federal laws and even the Constitution and Bill of Rights--but that is another rant--we americans can not even get this simple sign of civility right.

Maybe Mrs. Bush can teach us this. Lord knows, her husband will be reviled for centuries in the history books, little that he cares.