Friday, April 27, 2007

With such a poor attitude for decades, San Francisco does NOT deserve 'tourism is our #1 biz' !!

For decades, and many dolittle/donothing to make it better Mayors, like Gavin Newsom and Sacramento-tainted Willie Brown, San Francisco obviously does not appreciate its enviable easy economy of massive inflows of tourists. How and why do i say this? Listen to the actual tourists complain ,for decades, about the most basic things, like not enough clean public toilets,,,and the terribly rude long wait you have to endure at the end of the 'world famous cable car' lines while the Muni employees take these inordinately long breaks--and should be relieved by other Muni drivers so that the public does not have to stand in the sun for up to 3 hours--stupid, lazy, corrupt , incompetent systems in SF.

I can not tell you how many people i have talked to over the decades ,especially at the Hyde Street-Aquatic Park-Ghiradelli Square northshore end of the line, by the Maritime Ship Museum and the west end of Fisherman's Wharf,,,who are screaming mad at the city for such a slight and rude unwelcoming of having a limited number of cable cars come in loaded to the end of the line, the passengers disembark, and then the operators don't let anyone on for 45 minutes !!, while they take another break ,and read the paper ,,,or eat a between meal snack,,,or smoke a cigarette on city payroll time to make more health insurance costs for the stupid city that allows even its cops to smoke ON THE JOB. That is sooo Neanderthal , but typical SF.

So hot air windbag Mayor Willie Brown made the big mistake of paying way too much for the new 35 French self-cleaning toilets. SF needs many many more all over its tourist locations, like Golden Gate Park.

And when are they ever going to have walking beat cops on foot on every other block of the drug-dealing, homeless person littered Tenderloin ?

And when is SF going to finally get the much talked about free Wi-Fi ,,,after 20-50 other major cities ??

The company the city hired to do its guest information does a lousy job. Conventions spend millions per week.
And people still stand in lines , for DAYS, to go to that dumb federal prison, Alcatraz.

SF needs a 'visitor's bill or rights', saying we appreciate you and your $$$$$ easy money Millions, and we ban huge 30-40% of ticket price, fee scamming concierges,,,dirty dusty tourist bus seats and dirty public buses,,,i've seen a dead rat on the floor of a tourist restaurant kitchen so the SF Health Dept is a huge joke,,, and do all that we should do to earn your business. This IS the 'Wild West', still, and so don't expect SF to treat it major customers-business ,the tourists,,,you and me,,, very well in the near future.

Oh, and don't forget the distant in next county by 30 minutes, ugly, expensive, dirty and poor attitude about it too, confusing to get around, with new glass international terminal that in summer with poor ventilation feels like a sweaty hot house for tropical plants, the city's SFO airport!

So very few amenities ,compared to other USA airports or international airports. Rude cops ,rude staff ,,,more of the same 'bad attitude' from San Francisco !!