Monday, December 15, 2008

President Bush43 keeps digging a deeper grave for the Republican Party

President Bush43 just can't seem to do enough to bury the Republicans for decades and decades, like his last gasp attempt to weaken the Endangered Species Act. And then there is the Treasury Secretary Paulson who can't enunciate what he wants to do about the worsening national economy,,,and keeps rewarding the same excess-profit bankers and Wall Streeters who knowingly got us into this mess with exotic derivatives and CDSs, not to mention the totally illogical A.R.M.s that you would have to be a fraud to sell and a fool to buy !! More trickle down ,voodoo economics that profit the already too fat rich,,,and leaves thousands and thousands of home owners hanging, when the lady at the FDIC's plan to buy up all the sick mortgages makes much more sense ,,,and would cost less taxpayers dollars,,,especially if you count in all the elite's lavish waste on private jets and useless junkets, golden parachutes /handshakes.

Yep, the Liberals, Democrats, and Green Party members can just sit back and watch the "Grand Old Party" implode from corruption, lies and more lies, incompetence, choosing the obscenely rich over everybody else, and being anarchistic here in California by blocking every possible tax increase while favoring monumentally wastefully spending like Reagan on the Military and wars ,,,that are sooo profitable to a few corporations. Let's do a study to see which corporations and individuals profited the most from the folly of Iraq and the Gulf Wars.

Good riddance !, Republicans !! ha ha ha ,,,
it only hurts that they have spiritually ruined the Nation and the U.S. economy in the process, and besmirched the Office of the President,,,hopefully for the very last time.