Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Let's stop soft-pedaling how bad the financial system is due to "dishonest derivatives", not just toxic assets

Will the Republican Party ever admit to their utter failure at governing the Nation ,,,and how close they brought us all, the U.S.A. and many international countries, to the brink of a depression, probably greater than the so-called "Great Depression" ? It is too near to talk honestly about it,,, isn't it ?

Probably not. They still,,,March 2009,,,talk about natural bubbles ,,,and recurring cycles,,,next it will be the 'fates' and 'the gods on Mount Olympus'. Yes, Clinton did not help by taking away the Glass-Stegal Act and other follies,,,but before the last 6 months of Bush43s term, the Reprobate Republicans actually seemed to be enjoying their grand illusion of "Deregulation" and their religion of Capitalism, One World Economy and Free-such a fraud and lie-Markets to the detriment of city, county, and national identity and standards.

A.I.G.'s products were over valued with their hidden down sides and under secured by a lack of cash when the parent company was down rated from "AAA". The employees got their huge bonuses then,,,and they got up to $6M each recently with their exposed failure and financial support of the American taxpayer,who will probably be not fully reimbursed for their sucker generosity, as usual.

Remember how the public was fleeced-- and the Feds just watched--by the huge Savings and Loan Ripoff of the 80s,,,and then we were told to 'disregard the normal stock measures' when we again were fleeced in mass with the Dot.Com Bubble of 1995-2000, remember,,,and now again, many of us have lost most or all of our life savings and jobs to still greedy,Congress-buying bankers and paid-to-lie rating agencies and a small tiny division in London / Connecticut of A.I.G. that went crazy selling very dishonest derivatives ,,,remember ?

Don't you see a pattern here ? About every 10 years now we too-busy-working and too-uninformed-to-understand Americans have our life savings stolen from us by Corporate America,,,with our supposed protectors, the Federal Government looking the other way,,,and stumbling and fumbling, again with our tax dollars and generations of debt, to band-aid the problem.

This is both the Republicans and Democrats and a urgent reason why we must immediately elect all Federal Reps and Senators with public money to at least stop some of the obvious lobby-pac buying of Congress. We voted in California to stop the state legistature from continuing to gerrymander/draw their own corrupt districts, but the state legislature does not like public initiatives like this and now wants to rewrite the state constitution, probably to take away public initiative, recall (of the lying bum Grey Davis ,governor) and referendum,,,and re-instate gerrymandering. It may be too late for California to be pulled out of the dark swamp of corporate-paid campaigns and backdoor politics with little or no effective political "sunshine".

Our state and federal governments have grown use to not telling us the truth,,,and lying to us most of the time. Rent the "ENRON" movie dvd and the "WHO TOOK AWAY OUR ELECTRIC CARS" to see exactly how bad this lying and corporate theft of our government has become in California and the USA. If you have to stomach for it,,,and give a damn about the future of this supposed democratic republic.