Monday, March 02, 2009

It is March 2009,,,and still Congress has its hands in its pockets, rather than doing what is IMMEDIATELY NEEDED

Why have 'A.R.M.'/adjustable rate mortgages, that even a high school student can assess as a stupid contract, not been OUTLAWED HENCEFORTH ?? These were so profitable to the bankers,et al , back then,,,but that was on the HORRIBLE SLIDE DOWN. The bankers took too many risks and falsified how risky these products like CDS where to all of us, with the rating agencies lying for them. So when, let us pick a date, are we going to be honest with each other about exactly how awful these bank products were and are and how close the USA came to FISCAL AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE LIKE THE SO-CALL 'GREAT DEPRESSION' ? We can lie like a banker or rater long enough to sell this crap, but isn't it still going to come back and bite us ?

Why has not Congress taken the payroll tax cap off and taxed all income for Social Security ? Another year of lost opportunity and lost taxes,,,such federal irresponsibility !! Does anyone need that small percentage after taking home more than ,what, less than a MILLION DOLLARS ?!! Obviously, Congress is still owned by banks and other corporate lobbyists and does not have the internal ethics to do the right thing. So we have to move quickly to NATIONALLY FUND ALL STATE AND FEDERAL ELECTIONS WITH FREE TV AND RADIO TIME, ETC. Otherwise, we can expect the same knuckle dragging from this critical body in the national order.

The Republicans don't want a Congressional committee to study how all their much ballyhooed policies went so horribly wrong. So we can do this again !? And lose TRILLIONS in paper retirement savings for school teachers and common folk,,,and investments, more than was ever lost before ? The PBS evening news says there are $600 TRILLION in bad bank products out there in the USA,,,not counting the rest of the world. Thank you President Reagan, and President Bush 41 &43. California is on the brink of financial ruin.