Wednesday, September 02, 2009

"sTATE FARM" car insurance is probably unnecessarily EXPENSIVE, because,,,

from personal experience recently, they don't seem to care how long a body shop has a car in for covered repairs.

Our family car recently had a dented rear fender from hitting a pole in a parking lot, so we took it in to a famous local body shop and they did a fabulous job in one week. Within a few months, an old lady ran into the same bumper, and "State Farm" told us to wait for permission before going back to the same excellent body shop-WHAT?!-and also tried to steer us to other "recommended " body shops that we did not want to go to-WHAT?!-and let us use an expensive rental car for 3 FULL WEEKS to do pretty much the same work that we had just done in a week-WHAT?!. They said the part was not available locally, and it would take more than 2 weeks. So i phoned around and found at least 2 of the same identical rear bumpers less than a mile away.

So if you have "State Farm" , you are paying for this longer repair time with larger bill for rental car. And if you get hit, at no fault of your own, by someone with "State Farm", well, expect a lot of nonsense like "permission" to have your car taken immediately to where you want to go instead of their "approved list",,,and then weeks and weeks, in this case 2 extra unnecessary weeks, in a much lower quality rental car not of your choice.