Tuesday, June 08, 2010

NPS , can you be more incompetent? The Gulf Goof-off,,,Now the Yosemite Concessionaire, Delaware North, is doing as little as possible for guest services !!

 I was in Yosemite Valley on Monday 7 June 2010 and the shuttle system was overloaded for the number of free shuttles they had out on the road there.  Also the 2 hour paid Valley Tour tram was sold out at 60 paying passengers in only one vehicle for 1pm, when i saw one parked in the trees just west. They were turning away PAYING CUSTOMERS AND COULD HAVE SOLD A SECOND TRAM AT 1pm !!  What gives DN ??

How does Delaware North of New York get away with providing so little service to guests when the previous huge corporation, MCA, took advantage of every opportunity to make money and provide service, from raft rental to a second VT tram at every hour ??

I called the lame-duck sitting Superintendent and he and his secretary blew me off. "Talk to the NPS business department."  I'm calling my Senator, sucker !!

If you have not heard of the latest incompetence by NPS, just in Yosemite, not all over the USA,,,did you know that NPS tried to remove most of the motel guest housing at Yosemite Lodge on the south side of the YL road as a 'flood zone' when the whole valley always was a flood zone!-smells like removing the campgrounds was for the benefit of the rich bastards at the protected Ahwahnee Hotel- and did take the gas station out on the north side, the idiots!(what do they think cars nowadays run on), and tried to close the climber camp Camp 4 but had their dumb-asses sued successfully by the climbers and had to designate Camp 4 a "National Historic Site" !! Can you find a more incompetent federal agency(ok, the Dept. of Education,,,and the Defense Department,,,oh, and the Department of Commerce).

Where is the Sierra Club on this ?!  Do they even care about Muir's park any more ?  Why aren't they monitoring every move in Yosemite for the public interest and keeping us posted on their website ? Busy selling coffee table photograph books ??

ps-Expect the new 'organic' very expensive food concessionaire at Muir Woods National Monument to fail within a year , because their prices are way to high and out of reach of the average park visitor.  Another 'fubar' move by NPS in picking this otherwise good company.  Hey NPS, where is the multi-story parking garage Muir Woods has needed for decades, in the West meadow,,,now finally used for dirt parking ??

Why wasn't someone out there from NPS monitoring the irregular and lousy service of the free shuttle buses at Curry, the Ahwahnee, and the Lodge,,,?
Should have been 4 '90 day wonders' with one at the Village too !!  This is a park on sloppy cruise control,,,

Can the gate rangers be any slower at the highway 120 gate in collecting money ??!!  Geesh,,,