Thursday, June 03, 2010

Why Professional Baseball,,,SUCKS,,,

First,,,a "perfect game" is described as a no-hitter no-run game, just the pitcher and the catcher playing,,,catch.  Eee gods, that is dull.

Second,,,Most of the players are unfit, fat and or out of shape and could not run a good 10k if their lives depended on it. And probably on "performance enhancing" or other drugs.  Boooring,,,

Third,,,They make huge Millions in salaries,,,for hitting a small ball ,,,yet all that tv money seems squandered,,, What about the cities that have to put up with the traffic jams,,,and trash,,,and eye-pollution of seeing orange and black more than once a year in SF.  Yuck.

Fourth,,,the beer and food are overpriced,,,as are the cheap seats that should always go for less than 10 bucks. Uggg,,,

Fifth,,,the pitcher is encouraged to hit the batter with a hard fast baseball, for macho points.  Pitcher brag about it,,,they expect to receive revenge.  THAT is just SICK.

And the OFFICIATING,,,is dumb and blind,,,with no instant replay.