Friday, July 16, 2010

July 2010 , President Obama's federal Department of Labor is anti-honest worker and pro-wage stealing corporations !!

I heard about the book on wage stealing in America, so i checked my multi-million dollar profitable employers wage stub against my records ,,,and found my California employer had been stealing not just 15 minutes a day, but two complete 16 hour days of work per 2 week paycheck !!

So i called Obama's San Francisco office of the Department of Labor and was told to tell my painful ,employee as less powerful position story ,,,to three different civil servants!!  They finally said 'you have a obvious strong legal case of wage theft ALREADY,,,so get MORE EVIDENCE and CALL a FOURTH one of us again,,,oh, and this has just been a CASUAL CONVERSATION so NOTHING is RECORDED or OFFICIAL" ,,,!!

I also complained to my Congressional Representative. Two days later my employer found out. Instead of 'friendly' hellos i have been getting lots of dirty looks from fat-cats who are stealing my wages.

So whose side are you on, Mr. President?  The rich profitable corporations who are so "deregulated" that they are now stealing our hourly wages all across America,,,or the practically powerless ,hard working working poor?