Thursday, July 22, 2010

VERSUS and TOUR DE FRANCE, Where are the safety, good sportmanship and honesty in racing!!??

How do we know or believe that the bicyclists are racing, if we don't have accurate information,,, like constant speed readings on all bicyclists with g.p.s.,,,and all riders wearing heart rate monitors?  Is it all just fakery and surrendered-'wins' and racers intentionally crashing in front of Lance Armstrong, and getting away with it !!, without even a protest verbally from commentators paul and phil ?

We get occasional temperatures and wind speeds, but not humidity and comfort indexes. What the hell up with that b.s.!?(Oh, it's french and the french have been stealing from American tourist on the Paris Metro by giving the wrong lesser change for years.) No excuse !! 

Versus is not french , is it,,,This is America, and paul and phil have no balls or opinions in commentary and are sooo boring and 'establishment'. Soo fxcking boring.

Time for MAJOR changes,,,

The tour de france needs a Safety and Good Sportmanship Ombudsman. (France, yeah right,,,)

Every non-solo accident is instant replayed and investigated and a cause is discovered and the CARELESS RACER is IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFIED FROM THE TOUR, FINED 50,000f, and boo-ed by the Scandanavians. No more ignoring brutes causing broken bones of others.

You, spectator, interfere with a racer, say back-pat a racer or spit on a racer,,,YOU GO TO JAIL IMMEDIATELY and pay a fine of at least $1000.
(It's the french,,,ok, 1000 francs)

You let your dog loose near the peleton and the dog interferes with the race, you  GO TO JAIL IMMEDIATELY OVERNIGHT and pay a large 1000 franc fine.

You egomaniac-nonsupporter run within arms reach of the side of a racer or in front of a racer impeding the race ,because you are a self-center idiot!!, YOU GO TO JAIL IMMEDIATELY OVERNIGHT and pay a large fine 5000 francs.

And if you think you can get away with falling in front of a racer in bad sportmanship and unsafe behavior ,like happened to Lance Armstrong, and get away with it without ANY official commentator disapproval,,,YOU ARE IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED FROM THIS TOUR and ALL FUTURE TOURS. And you pay a large fine of 50,000f.  Go race in Spain or Italy or Iraq.

No more cobblestones.

No more racing in the rain, but under a yellow flag of stay in sequence and go safe slow.

Barricades at road edge to keep spectators safely back, on all climbs and finishes.

More police.  Less crowd anarchy.
(This is fxcking france,,,yeah, life's a bitch there,,,)

More clean electric motorcycles so we can have full time video on all racers,,,all the time. If i want to watch just Lance, all day, all tour de france, i should be able to do that online. With all the important stats like road incline, heart rate, wind, temp. , humidity, comfort index, road condition, and CONSTANT SPEED -this is a race right? - by g.p.s. for all racers, all the time they are on their bikes, all the tour. ALL THE TIME,,,not just when Versus feels like giving us a small bone.

Or you can continue to make it as phony and faked and corrupt(where trainers give sure wins to their u.p.s. drivers as christmas gifts every year) and no-speed fraudulent as horse racing.

We actual bicycle riders, like up and across canada in 1973, do not want to see ,as real bicycle enthusiasts, a GLADIATOR TRASH-TV EVENT in bicycling racing with un-sportmanship crashes, broken bones all over the place and blood.  This is 2010 !!

(This is france,,,!!)  Middle ages of sport, yeah, i know,,,