Sunday, August 29, 2010

If the SIERRA CLUB won't or can't fight to keep the 2 River Campgrounds in Yosemite Valley open,,,why should anyone still be a member of the Sierra Club !?

NPS says ,,,there is a 'flood danger' in allowing the continued use of these 2 fabulous campgrounds.  As if floods have not passed through Yosemite Valley a thousand times in millions of years,,,

If you really wanted just to ban the fire pits to stop some of the smog in the Y. Valley, then fine, reopen the Upper and Lower River Campgrounds WITHOUT FIRE GRATES.

I challenge every Sierra Clugclugclug member ,,,to GET OFF YOUR DUFF,,,and DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL for JOHN MUIR'S YOSEMITE, Dammit !!