Thursday, August 05, 2010

Why are the Democrats not ashamed of living with the obscene Bush Tax Cuts for the super-rich, when i am ?!!

How can the Democrats sleep at night, for TWO YEARS,,, when Social Security and the damn Federal Budget NEED THAT TAX MONEY ON EVERY DOLLAR OF RICH SELFISH BASTARD'S THAT ARE MAKING 600-800 MILLION A YEAR !!

Who is going to stand up for the working poor and the declining middle class,,,if not the Democrats ?!!   But the Democrats are not standing;they are sleeping. And collecting big money from fat secret money corporate 'special' interests.

The Public is no longer 'special' to Congress, that much is clear. Until we Americans rise up in a new revolution to take back our bought and paid for congress with public funded campaigns for all state and federal offices, we will continue to be disrespected, lied to, and cheated by this congress.

A Constitution amendment is necessary. We as a country founded on principles can not continue otherwise. We will all just be cash whores otherwise.

The Democrats talked up 'single payer' but could not even deliver a 'public option' !!  Now they are 'waiting' for the Bush tax cuts to 'expire' versus killing them with relish,,,What if they let them continue until forever ?

Will you too be too ashamed to vote Republican,,,and Democrat, too ?