Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 2011, What happened recently in California ,,, is replaying Nation-wide, and the Major Lesson is ONE PARTY RULE

We elected a promising new Governor, Jerry Brown, instead of 2 scary Republicans, HPs Carly Fiorina and eBay's Meg Whitman.  But we still elected Republican State Senators and State Representatives; Thus we are still in GRIDLOCK.  The lesson is : we should only have one party in the 3 state branches of Governor, Senate and House.

Same goes for the Nation in the next election, 2012.  Most sane people can remember how bad it was when the Republicans had the White House AND Congress.  Look how bad it is now ,,, with the Republicans barely controlling the House, but not the Senate or Presidency.  Do we really want to go backward,,, again?

Yes, most everything is a mess, from the environment to job creation.  Even tiny things like a free phone time tick(gone) and the ability to bring your loose change to a bank for paper bills(gone) and the most teacher's hate national education system called "no child left behind"(still a total failure,,,and still hurting us).  And i am very disappointed in Mr. Obama as a leader. 

But if we "piss in the wind" and elect a Republican President and a Republican Congress, we the entire USA will be in so much deeper trouble.   It is not that we are rewarding Obama with a second term, it is that we have to "make things better for all of us" and that means not voting for any Republicans, only Democrats in 2012 , for the next 4 years.

Yes, i wish we had elected Mrs. Clinton,,, but we can't replay.  There is no third party , responsible candidate, yet, so we are stuck with Obama.