Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 2011 and the BIG WHITE CHRISTMAS LIE ,,, EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT DISHONESTLY IS,,, "tax cut" when for the Republicans this is DE-FUNDING SOCIAL SECURITY !!

All the media is doing it,,,mostly white people.
All the Republican(the more dishonest party, the one that got us into this Great Recession with Bush43, remember?!, the political party with their primary and shameful goal of reducing taxes mainly for the super rich corporations and super rich people,those that can more easily afford tax increases, back when we had sensical progressive taxation,pre-Reagan) white people are saying this BIG  WHITE CHRISTMAS LIE "tax reduction for most Americans", when what we need most for SSN is the removal of the tax cap on salaries over , what ,$200,000.

Even the President, Obama, as fallen for this PIG in Christmas sheep woolly covering, instead of calling a 'spade a spade', honestly, and calling this what it is 'the Dumb Second Tax Break, After i Dumb Extended the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich.'  

Take the fool's phony lie wrapping off this Congress charade and all you have is ,,, another tax cut we can not afford.

And at Christmas!!
All these white people, and black people, and brown people elected Representatives and Senators are on this continuing train wreck of irresponsible denial at the national level ,,, instead of being responsible and honest.

Oh, yes!
It is a 'white Christmas' for all of us,,, if we don't grow up!, act mature!, stop lying to ourselves!, and face our problems! Serious financial problems in the USA.  

This will go down in history as the Christmas of 2011, the Christmas of the 'white lie' that the media spread from Congress and the White House, all over the country.