Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kaiser medical insurance-hospitals are still advertising "thrive". My ass! In over 10 years of ER/employer mostly paid policy there, i have not had one gloved hand, finger prostate check !

Curious to hear the percentage of men at Kaiser who get gloved finger, prostate checks every year.  Let's hear you brag about that !!

And not one colonoscopy in over 10 years.  Lots of fecal sample bags in the mail.  As if !! But not one colonoscopy, even tho they say their standard is "a colonoscopy every 10 years over 50."

Medical care in the USA mostly is too expensive and of widely varying quality.
My sis just had a broken cheek bone badly repaired by a cosmetic surgeon who calls himself "Superman".  What a joke, on us Americans for accepting such  a low sub-standard of care medicine and insurance !