Monday, November 05, 2012

The Super-riche are less than 2%,,,or even stretch 10%, so how can they even come CLOSE TO WINNING ?!

Let's go through the groups.

COLLEGE STUDENTS, about to graduate with "less than half their classmates finding jobs in their study field", the newspapers say. Well, if they study and thus reason, most of those people won't vote for radical irresponsible 'tea pot' Republicans with only a pretty face fronting for them, Romney. Not one party virtue. Not one. Look how truly "ugly" the Republicans in the background are!!: Carl Rove ,,, v.p. Chaney ,,,Gingrich ,,,Grover Norquist, whoever the hell that is,,,that ill mannered, bony blond who had the gall to called the President of the United States a "retard", and the ones who put a Hitler moustache on his poster sized face. Anarchists! You'd have to be quite a sissy to 'vote for Romney or else i won't pay for your college education' son or daughter!  So forget the smart thinking studying logical college student group from voting for a guy who flip flops more than a fresh live fish out of water!! 99% solid for Obama!!

Next, the retired and pensioned and 'SENIORS'.  The rabid radical Republicans promise to do away with Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. Gee, that sounds like the social Dark Ages,,, again; let's all move back to he-ll there !  Those minority roadblocking Republican fiscal fumblers who got us the extra expense AA rating vs the old AAA that much more responsible Republican President Eisenhower,91% top tax rate and hunky dory economy then, had is a slap in the face of 'duty honor country'.  No wonder so many of the Republicans elected and on the news have not served in the military!  A Republican minority has gutted private pensions and is on track to gut STRS and PERS and ALL the other public pensions. 401k's are fatally flawed,,, Think long and hard about how long one million $ will last You, if you falsely think That makes you 'rich' enough for their Exclusion Club ,,, among selfish arrogant cold-hearted callous rude and reckless Republicans who only care about Multi-millionaires and Billionaires!!  Ok, forget any non-senile senior from voting for that phoney fraud Romney! Seniors ,by reason, should be "solid for Obama, and every spineless weak handshake Democrat they can vote for"!!  It's called the "lesser of 2 evils", Ladies and Gentlemen.

Next , the NRA members and hunters and fisherman. True SPORTSMEN, and i don't mean buyers of the look and behavior phony posers.  Think about all that public land you HAD access to under Obama?  Forget about it!! The new cash or cry Republican administration will have private $$$$$ expensive hunt and fish 'clubs'.  The rest of us will be starving and cleaning our idle shotguns , just like back in olde England where the Lord owned All the game, fish and fowl.  They can keep the foul Romney who can not be trusted, may be rich, but has no honor, and couldn't tell the truth for a week even if his life depended on it.  True sportsmen will see through this rude ruse and vote ,overwhelmingly, Democrat and for President Obama! It's 'in the bag', legal, ethical, 'fair chase', and in the spirit of our forefathers, like in the movie "Last of the Mohican's".  Romney should not even try faking it as a good honest experienced and ethical sportsman pheasant hunter!!

Next, the WORKERS, low pay and hi million dollar bonus wall street short skirt secretaries, all.  Do you want More companies going overseas, taking More American jobs to anti/contrary China or even just Mexican hell-hole, or P.I. or S.E. asia? Do you want to live there!? Not me. Then why not cancel NAFTA, and start bringing all those tax breaks back to U.S. based companies and jobs?  Let's see how many child labor violations Apple will have,,, "back in the USA",,, sitting on over $100B in excess profit, if we make it difficult for them to stay in our possible future enemy country of China. Our number one job as voters and citizens is to protect the U.S.A.,period, and Mexico and China don't deserve to be spoiled and pampered and allowed to steal across our S.border or steal for decades our currency exchange rates. Period.

Lastly, but not least if you vote Obama and Democrat, is the WOMEN.  They may not support each other on many issues and may hire a man of lesser talent before a woman of greater talent. Women's male bias,such a travesty.  They may not have the confidence, even yet in 2012, this late in the game, to demand equal pay for equal work. They may not agree on old bloody battles and war won advantages over centuries of their say in reproductive rights ,,, to their Own bodies.  They may always ,at least in the USA, expect men to pay for their drinks and buy them dinners at expensive restaurants, and marry men for their fat salaries and large houses,,, and not any glimmer of good character,,, or sell themselves cheap as starving thin only physical beauties to men who beat and abuse them as wives and their unloved  berated children. Full prisons and mental wards, now dumped on the streets. But i hope women have more hope and memory of their especially hard struggle in society, compared to men. If they do, they will 99% vote for President Obama, and every Democrat they can.  And then hound Obama like a pack of beagles for the next four years to 'don't you dare waste our valuable time!'

President George W. Bush was a walking fumbling stumbling, Not eloquent disaster as President, lying about 'weapons of mass destruction' and 'terrorist link' in Iran,,,to us like Clinton's sex scandal and need to rid ourselves of Glass-Steagal,and losing over 200,000 jobs /month,and leading us into the worst recession in U.S. history with massive financial fraud and as yet with not one/dozens in jail from banks and Wall Street! Massive foreclosures and widespread loss of jobs as the Nation's economy weakened. Then the Republican minority delayed vote on debt extension and the lower and much more expensive AA credit rating,for the first time in our Nation's history! Didn't anyone watch what had happened in Enron-broke busted DIW  corrupt-capitol California?  And the election theft in Florida and Ohio with the unethical political Supreme Court and dirty stolen elections in 2000 and 2004!!

So common sense would tell you that the only way the Republicans 2-10% are going to win the Presidency in 2012 is by more cheating,,, ala  Nixon's Republican 'watergate' corruption.