Friday, November 30, 2012

Beware !! New VISA scam: You look at your credit card bill and don't recognize a charge so you call VISA ,"That will be $35 to investigate and send you a printed report." OK, you say. Then you remember that charge was not under the Suppliers name but some subcontractor you never heard of. So you call VISA back and cancel the $35 investigation and report printout mailing,,,BUT YOU FORGET TO GET THE NAME AND I.D. # OF THE PERSON YOU CANCELLED WITH. Guess what happens in this looney era of deregulation and business 'self correction'? You still get billed the $35 !!

We really need strict laws and regulations on banks and mortgage companies, don 't you think after the national economic disaster caused by the deregulated banks without Glass-Stegal anymore in 2008.

This is the Democrat Party's last chance with me.  They had the vote and the Presidency and Congress with Obama in 2008 and wimped out trying to be compromising instead of Leadership with Republicans that were not in the least interested in compromising radical agendas that would have crashed the debt and the Nation.
If Obama and the Democrats don't get their act together by Christmas and New Year's Eve, the much feared 'fiscal cliff', i am registering Green Party and i suggest you do too to send those in power but too lazy or spineless to use it a strong message.  Perform this last time Democrats, or we will leave you by the millions in early 2013.

Remove entirely the cap on taxes for Social Security that never should have been there.
Remove the Oil Industry Billions tax breaks.
Bring back Glass-Stegal, in full force and better.
Remove the Farm Subsidies unneeded by Millionaire farmers.
Cut wasteful out of control military spending by at least 20%. End all foreign wars and military adventures.
Reform the tax code so that if Apple wants to keep thousands of jobs in China they don't get a tax break for hurting the USA and all the jobless Americans, but pay extra for it, even if we have to pay a little more for an Apple product, we need more good paying jobs in the USA.
Zero tolerance on military rape means zero tolerance; Go up the chain of command and take away half of their pensions.
Get serious,Organized Crime serious, about all the proliferation gangs like the murdering 2500 Fresno Bulldogs, the Modesto gas station car jackers, and prosecute them all, from the Bloods and Crips in LA, to the leftover mafia Mob in NJ.  Dead or jail or deport serious.