Friday, January 18, 2013

Our President says that an assault weapon gun ban is the answer. What about all those millions of teenage boys alone without good male role models and playing VIOLENT VIDEO COMPUTER GAMES FOR HOURS AND HOURS EVERY DAY?

Oh, that would open the 'good parenting vs bad parenting' can of worms.
Politically can't be that honest.

Hey, the poor ostracized kid in Newtown had no close good male role models at school as teachers or highly involved good adult caring males with his life. I read all the teachers were female;Big mistake. Even my mediocre elem. had 2 fine male school teachers.

Heck adults, have you not seen some of these very violent games that other parents kids are allowed to play and doesn't it disturb you ,,,creep you out!,,, a little about how gory bloody cruel unjustly violent this USA and worldwide boy obsession is? And look what happens when young boys alone play extremely violent video computer games!!

In my day in the 50s we neighborhood boys would play cowboys and indians with rubber suction cup tipped arrows and bb gun rifles with the bb's and mechanism removed for just the pop. Dodge ball really hurt. And throwing dirt clods. Or ice snowballs.  But we also played 'hide and seek' a lot.  And 'baseball' and 'basketball' and 'football' and even imaginary-baseball baseball slow-mo. Those were people peer interactive games, not this alone in a bedroom, unsupervised by good adult male role models, HUGE AND VERY PROFITABLE BUSINESS OF GETTING OUR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN ADDICTED TO VIOLENT VIDEO COMPUTER GAMES,,,for profit.

God forbid Fox News bottle-blonde hotties talk about that,,,or the President.