Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It is so easy to go the the Ca. Sec. of State website and file as a "Green Party" new member to encourage the regressive Democrats to act more Progressive !!

Don't you feel your vote was barely valued after $2Billion was spent by the extremely regressive Republicans and the moderately regressive Democrats? Hope is almost gone already. There is no loud Progressive orator we can trust to act like his/her words.

The wars will continue.
Guantanamo and torture will continue.  Wall Street to-big-to-fail  and under-regulated penultimate theft will continue.
The Chinese unfair monetary practices will continue for more decades, appeasement by the capitalists wanting access to the masses at the cost of a poorer and weaker USA.  Jobs and factories will continue to leave and our standard of living, for the 98%, will continue to decline.  After 4 long years , there will have been no start to a too long delayed massive national infrastructure rebuilding program. Not even a start,,,

Don't you hear President Obama backpedaling already?

And both parties going right back to silly debt ceiling hearings and brinkmanship, arguing and posing, instead of working?

What if 20M or 50M voters decided to experiment and change parties from Democrat to Green?  Don't you think that would cattle-prod the lazy donkey Democrats to action, at least a little action?

What we can not do is sit on our hands after voting, maybe paying a few more politician's campaign bills, and end up in 4 long years,,, exactly where we are now.  We will not only be the laughing stock of the entire World, but we will have lost the perfect timing to balance the ship of state , the USA.  The rich will still be untouchable rich and uncaring but for themselves, and the poor working and under-employed masses will be so much poorer sicker and uneducated.

Do you really think President Obama will increase the middle class by even 10% in the next 4 years when he has not raised it even 1% in the last 4 years?

Have we mostly given up on the American Dream, beaten by white collar bankers who have too short by corrupt Congress statue of limitations and 'proof of criminal motive' difficulties on their side to hinder the FBI and the Justice Dept just enough to never get around to jailing even one banker or mortgage fraud co. like Countrywide executive and send even two vs hundreds to jail for a very long time?

The old have their pensions and SSN, but for how long ,,, with private pensions being robbed by companies left and right and both parties willing to restrict Social Security instead of take the tax cap off, which is the plain as night to day answer? Teachers and Police-Fire underfunded pensions are probably next to fail.  But who cares?  Call your Senator or Rep. and see how little they care about you voters now that the votes are counted.

And the young?  Why do they work so hard at school if there is so little future for them here at home or overseas with the EU and Japan in serious peril? So apolitical, when that is all that will save them and us. Don't they know how easy a political fix would be?

Join and invigorate the Green Party. Get a Constitutional Amendment to ban all private money from all government elections in each and every state.  Free digital tv and radio time instead on those community channels.  Get another to overturn Citizens United if necessary.
Have, like Britain, an anytime vote of 'no confidence' by computer by citizens and the censure of the President.

Some voter block must get Congress off the couch.  The tea party block has failed.  I think it will be the young voter block in the next 4 years.  Without the prejudice and pride
blindness of the old and middle aged.