Thursday, September 12, 2013

2013 and the Democrat Governor and super-majority in both state houses due NOT deserve to be re-elected, as state agencies from DMV to CalTrans to EDD are all more incompetent, dishonest and downright meaner !!

No one expected the DMV to get much better from slow lazy rude indifferent arrogant incompetent.

But the other state agencies, like CalTrans buying cracked defective bolts from the same company they last bought cracked defective bolts from ,,, is too much to bear in terrible administration.

And the EDD is harassing the laid off and fired in this 'great recession' while President Obama defends the Bush tax cuts for the rich still being in effect and sequestration-nonsense.  Beating up on the poorest and weakest with multiple refund demands and hearing notices by the EDD because ex.sec.Sara says 'the employers pay for it all and you employees contribute nothing' is not just unjust but so wrong and mean.

There must be another (Green) party out there that can at least administer the state better than the crash diving Republicans and the sellout Democrats !