Friday, December 26, 2014

Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show" studio live in afternoon vs late, after dinner cold tv

My sister use to live in Pomona-Diamond Bar way out East and daily commute drive to teach public elementary school in poor transient Huntington Park, next to dangerous Watts in central ugly sprawling LA.  She got us tickets. We both had done our homework early and kept 3.5GPAs in a good white middle school in the Bay Area so we could watch Johnny late late, Friday night only.

The line was crowded and long and , silly me, in the middle of the day or afternoon!
We were both sooo excited, finally getting to see Johnny "live" after all those years, and hard studying.
Someone came out and talked to the audience and said stuff.
There was an "applause" sign!! or was that another live show she took me too,,,
The set looked so worn and tacky vs processed tv.
Finally Johnny came out to huge applause,  people were so excited to see this Big Famous Celebrity in person, some coming from far far far away.
The monologue started and my older sister and I smiled at each other; this was our personal reward for all those hard years...

Of morning chores, after school chores in the suburbs, homework lots and lots, dinner, and after dinner, more single chores ,,, and weekend chores , posted and rotating on the frig, the home central w Home Ec. teacher Mom and a great family building strategy !! We all worked hard and contributed to make the family work. We all felt valued, setting the table, clearing the table,  taking out the trash,push mowing the lawns on the weekends, washing and vacuuming the 2 cars. Dad work a very hard professional 12 hr/day job,,, every day,,, for 40 years,,, loving every minute of his long and ww2 heroic and successful 95yrs life.That is I say good parenting!!

Well one guy, way up in the high overhanging upper scary right balcony , from Ohio, I think, got sooo excited he yelled out "Hey, Johnny, we drove from Ohio!!" and Mr. Carson just lost it."Well, that was Ohio."

They immediately cut to a commercial.
Johnny was PISSED OFF !!

A crowd of people mobbed the desk to pamper a very upset Mr. Carson. You could hear him going on and on, complaining about this excited fan from Ohio just speaking out of turn.
Maybe they do that a lot in Ohio.

It took a lot of fussing and talking to calm Mr. Carson down.  A very long time.   He did not seem to enjoy his work or his live fan audience. And that was when I stopped watching "The tonight show",,, and most late night tv shows.

First was the big taped daytime, shown so late lie.

Then I saw it was just an act.  Hard work. Not fun. And the Star was not having fun and enjoying his massive success life or handling super success well. I was so disappointed. But not my sister, who still likes the fantasy, unjudged, escape away from the horrible druggery of awful wasteful careless LAUSD.

Sorry, johnny, you failed me.