Saturday, January 10, 2015

Journalism majors, wake up! How do you reduce the jobless claims in California without even trying to make more jobs? You make the alternative to just jobless and going broke to a Much Worse state EDD unemployment office!!

Ahhh, Sacramento-scum politicians.

Back in the 70s , if you got fired or laid off, the EDD state offices were full of polite, helpful , compassionate people who gave you the tiny checks (you and ERs had been paying for into the 'system'), with just one form or two. You could get thru the dead-winter tourist season, pay your rent and eat at Mom's,  and get a job in tourism on the Spring rise, next year after year of  "seasonal layoffs,,, it's California."

Now, the state EDD offices are black holes of lies, deception, ill will, and legally we can file your U.I.claim under the wrong funding category, totally our mistake, BURN, and you have to go before an Admin.Judge - like waterboarding?--to pay it all back. Plus interest and penalty.  So sick.  California is so sick.
The San Jose office on Bascom is Not staffed by "real EDD employees" as they say-lie and say they are. The phones don't connect to starting benefits.
The PCS do not connect to starting a claim. If you go home and use your pc, you also do not get to 100% open a new EDD unemployment insurance claim. These subcontractor staffers lie and say their EDD business cards are "too far, over at my desk." And they DEFINITEY won't help you get a job, like back in the 70s and 80s.!!

Heck, even the Teamsters will not help "members in good standing with their tiny paper Withdrawal Cards" get a job !!

So that is how The State of California makes numbers lie, on joblessness. Aren't we all so proud of seminary student, Democrat Governor Jerry Brown? OK, only Pat Brown?