Friday, September 04, 2015

"Democrat". What does that mean, anything or nothing? For all the silence from the Dem.candidates and especially our elected "Democrat" political representatives, it is just a cover-up.

How else would your explain SF "Democrats" who have enacted for decades very strong rent control law just for SF.
And yet outside SF in the "expensive" Bay Area, most "Democrats" will tell you iF YOU ASK that they are for the tiny minority of rich landlords, some non-voting non-resident corporations instead of the majority of residents and often majority of voterslike in Burlingame, who RENT, and are subject to the current rash of extreme unreasonable but lawful $1000 rent increases and outright evictions of entire apt buildings or the Pacifica low income trailer park!!

What is Mrs. Clinton for and against?
Is she for the secret trade deal TTP ,,,?
Is she for more toxic fracking in our ground water storage areas, with the taxpayers stuck again with the cleanup bill,,,?
Is she pro endless war and troops dying and maimed in various Middle East countries,,,?
Why is the press not nailing down every candidate and representative with their positions, instead of this vapid dog show beauty contest!?